Monday, December 27, 2010

My Baby Has A Sensitive Stomach

AAMG prepare for the feast of the year-end


Presentation (version in Venetian dialect)
Few source information from utii
par saver at night to Prosimii vegnier
Parecieve ready stomego verto
parquet with a magnet no lack of certain whether
From Balsa trovemo tuti
happy laughs and goes to thirty teeth
Gniente faces hard Zenti contrariada
New Year 2011, na great magniada

Presentation (pizzoferratese version in the version in the Venetian dialect)
P'ch '' nf'rm ' ss''n 't''d' s'v'r
P'r ‘ s’r’t’ pr’s’m’ ‘ v’gn’’r
P’r’c’’v’ pr’nt’ c’l st’m’g’ v’rt’
P’rch’’ d’ m’gn’’r n’ m’nc’ d’ c’rt’
D’l B’ls’ s’ tr’v’m’ tut’ c’nt’nt’
Gr’ss’ r’s’t’ ‘ tr’nt’ ‘ p’ss’ d’nt’
Gn’’nt’ m’s’ d’r’ ‘ z’nt’ c'ntr'r''d '
C'p'd'nn' 2011 n 'gr'nd' m'gn''d '

Event Date: Friday, December 31, 2010 Time Event
: 20:15 (First Call) - 20.30 (Second call)
Location : New Balsa's Home Studios

Notes on reading the menu
- FA (fresh and failure)
- All products are intended to brand and / or invoice worse for lower prices
- Prosecco hills of Treviso (A little white if it hopes treated co porcari miscellaneous)

Appetizer - Crispy chicken nuggets with our gourmet sauce (Aete de poeastro the FA warmed with a microwave and co sora majonese)
- Flavours of Queen Margaret (the FA warmed with microwave pizzas)
- Browse d 'Winter (Vul-a-van of the FA with microwave warmed)
- exotic flavors (the Esplanade caeabra Tissano)
- soft Lasagna (meat Pasticio de FA heated with microwaves)
- Fresh Cream Lemon (FA scongeà Sgropin the par time. Only lemon taste and not that in Porcari aea liquirissia gavemo who bought the anus last)
- Delicacies Pig - Part 2 (strissa de tocheti fairy sausage and its grid scotada)
- Delights of Pork - Part Two (Muset precote)
- Broadsword Treviso with aromas of Modena (Roots co azeo Normae Liveable par balsamic)
- Capuccio real (Capusso Taja fin fin)
- Lentils
- Panettone with cream (if soeo Santona Riess make a breast cream soeo el paneton)
- Moment Cubano (a co Cubeta de Toblerone Cigars and meso deo de Pampero vanzai the birthday of the core)
- The angle of Piros (demo to a few de fogo de Fulvio fungus)

(List updated on December 27, 2010)
- Dondi and Santona
- Pokotho and Priestess
- Ahmed and the pearl of the Mediterranean Federica
- Balsa and Santuzza from Lampedusa
- Ilaria and Tardy (temporarily referred to as "the two of Welcome to the North" )
- Beltramix and Anna (not yet confirmed)
- Ile and Calogero (not yet confirmed)
Opit honor Spritz (not yet confirmed)

Notes on reading the expenditure
- FA (fresh and failure)
- All Products are branded and / or invoice worse for lower prices
- GA (Group Purchases made Pokotho, Balsa and Wise, and who has the pleasure to be in zone 4 iOlmi laughter) ... from

FA task assigned to GA:
No. 2 (two) bags of 1 (one) kg. of chicken wings
No. 2 (two) bags of 1 (one) kg. Pizzetti
No. 1 (a) envelopes from 1 (a) kg. Voula au vent
No. 2 (two) containers of 500 gr. of meat pies
No. 3 (three) bottles of lemon Sgroppino

... from Conegliano Cantina task assigned to the Balsa
No. 12 bottles of wine from various

... Tiziano task assigned to No. GA
1 (a) fresh Capuccio
No. 2 (two) bottles of 1 (one) lt. Aperol
No. 1 (a) large jar of Majonese
No. 5 (five) hg Bulldoze Calabria
No. 1 (one) bottle of 1.5 liter. Grappa
No. 1 (one) bottle of Pampero
No. 3 (three) bottles of Coke
No. 3 (three) bottles of Fanta Lemon-
No. 1 (a) 0.7-liter bottles. Wodka
of No. 2 (two) packs of 50 (fifty) wipes
No. 50 (fifty) plastic cups
No. 30 (thirty) plastic dishes
No. 30 (thirty) plastic forks
No. 30 (thirty) plastic knives
No. 1.5 (one point five) meters. of fresh sausage
No. 2 (two) bags of precooked Nose
No. 1 (a) large jar of olives
Department No. 2 (two) kg. White Grape
No. 2 (two) Pineapple
No. 2 (two) Puglia crisp
No. 1 (a) bar of dark chocolate ...

by Carla
Radicchio enough

Lentils Out Extra spending because they are already in possession of Santona

- Remember to submit regular receipt of any purchased item to the correct distribution of costs
- Everyone, consistent with their own possibilities, brings one or more bottles of liquor / wine / alcohol generic (net of reimbursement)
- If someone moves home something to eat and / or drink are not mentioned above please feel free to take it (after of reimbursement)
- The amounts in the expense for each item are subject to last minute changes

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Phytospecific African Hair

The magical significance Solstice Wintersday Luca Valentini
few weeks will begin the period of the celebrations and festivities for Christmas, and like every year, the global multitude, with justification abstract religious, is suddenly and completely immerse in the evils of unbridled consumerism, without the slightest understanding or implied in those specific days of the annual cycle of something extraordinary and magical happens, a cosmic event, which took on a symbolic value in all the forms taken by Primordial Tradition. Our paper is aimed precisely to clarify the above traditional appearance, penetrates into an organic, or free the field from fundamentalism and sectarianism of all sorts, explaining the universal sense of what is commonly known as the Winter Solstice, belonging, in different forms correctly, the spirituality of all the religions of the world. "Do not forget, in fact, that this event began to be celebrated by our ancestors, such as the megalithic constructions at Stonehenge in Britain, at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, in Ireland or around the rock carvings of Bohuslan, Iran , and Val Camonica, in Italy, already in prehistoric and proto. It also inspired the "fragment 66 "work of Heraclitus of Ephesus (560/480 BC) and was allegorically sung by Homer (Odyssey 133, 137) and Virgil (Aeneid book VI). The same phenomenon was expected and invariably extolled by all the Indo-European populations, the Gallo-Celtic call it "Arthuan Alban" ("rebirth of the Sun God"), the Germans, "Yule" (the "wheel of the year") ; the Scandinavians "Jul" ("sun gear"); Finns "July" ("Snowstorm"), the Lapps "Juvla" the Russians "Karatciun" (the "shortest day"). " (1)
Few people know in fact that, around the date of December 25, almost all people have always celebrated the birth of their divine or supernatural beings: in Egypt celebrates the birth of the god Horus and his father, Osiris, is believed to be born in the same period, pre-Columbian Mexico was born Quetzalcoath el'azteco god Huitzilopochtli; Bacab Yucatan, the Greek god Bacchus, or Adonis and Hercules and Adonis, the god Freyr, the son of Odin and Freya, was celebrated by the people of Northern Ireland; Zarathustra in Azerbaijan; Buddha in the East, Krishna, India; Scing-Shin in China, Persia, celebrated the warrior god Mithra, the Savior said to Babylon and saw the light of the god Tammuz, " single Son "of the goddess Istar, represented with the divine child in her arms and around her head, a halo of twelve stars. "On the day of Christmas, the Sun, which, in its annual motion along the ecliptic - the great circle on the celestial sphere that corresponds to the apparent path of the sun during the year - is to be at its lowest declination at the southernmost point of 'eastern horizon of the Earth, which culminates at noon with the height minimum (at that time, that is the zenith of the Tropic of Capricorn) and show its minimum duration of light (roughly, 8 hours and 50/55 minutes ) "(2), reached the southernmost point of its orbit and making record the shortest day of the year, again, from this moment on his way upward. "In Romania, a date between 21 and 25 December is also celebrated the rebirth of the Sun, the Dies Natalis Solis Invicta, the day of the birth of Sol Invictus, after the introduction, under the Emperor Aurelian, the Indo-Iranian cult of the god Mithra in the Roman religious traditions and the building of his temple in the campus Agrippae, the present Piazza San Silvestro in Rome, which was virtually comprised within a larger cycle of holidays that the Romans called Saturnalia, festival dedicated to Saturn, King of the Golden Age, which, starting from 217 to. C. and after subsequent reforms introduced by Caesar and Caligula, were extended 17 to 25 December and ended with Larentalia or feast of the Lares, the tutelary deity entrusted with protecting the crops, roads, cities, the family. "(3 )
The Roman myth tells that the mysterious Janus, the god of Italy, reigning over Lazio when he arrived from the sea Saturn, which could be understood as the manifestation of God that creates and recreates the universe in each cycle, the one that crosses the water, or night-chaos and confusion following the dissolution of the old cosmos, up to the new bank, or the light of the new cosmos, created the new, as claimed by René Guenon (4), there is some analogy between the Roman god and the Vedic Satyavrata, witnessed by a common root sat, which in Sanskrit means the One. "Lazio In addition, during the month of December, the god Conso was celebrated on December 15, during Consualia, festivals dedicated to" sacral end the old year "as we report from the Latin," mixed "indicates 'action of "hide" and / or "concluded." The aforementioned Janus, is associated with Conso, then, was the ancient Latin goddess of the "two faces", "god of time" and, specifically, "the year" and whose temple in Rome was in a corridor with two locks, doors open in time of peace and in times of war, on the basis of its ancestral meaning, means "going" and, more particularly, the "initial phase of walking" and "get in gear": regulate and coordinate the start of the new year, which Ianuarius, the month of January. " (5) as confirmed by Franz Altheim (6) "Ianus and Consus, the Roman religious reality, it is reported at the beginning and end of action" and also made reference (...) "events fixed in time, but were repeated periodically, as the eternal return of the light at the expense of darkness. Not forget, then, as the Roman tradition of the feast of the dies solis nine had its roots in both the prehistoric past of the Indo-European peoples, whom the Romans, and most of the Italic peoples belonged, and in the bases of its own cultic: Julius Evola reminds us that "Sol, the sun god, is already among the gods indigetes, that is, between the gods of Roman origin, received by far the more cycles of civilizations" (7). E 'key at this point to understand how the solar rebirth represents "only" a symbol of cosmic regeneration, in which the Sun and the Light are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality of man, which operates the His second spiritual birth, developing and passing their subtle state, on the night of the winter solstice, when you can access the deva-yana or "way of the gods" of the Hindu tradition, and ascending to the district in which the divine man, restoring itself the primordial Adam, can take the road of development supra.
This is the moment when the night becomes the mistress and the total darkness, you must keep the flame of the Faith, in the morning, with the dawn, will become triumphant. In the tarot cards that best identifies the rebirth of light and the blade of the Magician, which symbolizes the very essence of man, whose mission is to achieve union between spirit and matter. The Magician has before him all the symbols of material power and it is the character who takes the alchemical work, working with the three principles and four elements (the three legs and the four corners of the table), through which every man is a metal, which led to its perfection, is called Gold. The highest sense of the paper is given by its number, which is the one and indicates that the unmoved mover, the source of all things, even if his hat in the shape of elongated eight symbolizes the movement of spiritual elevation that leads to square the circle. Leaving the Cosmic Cavern, with the Winter Solstice, therefore, goes from nothing unity, ie geometrically, by becoming sensitive, represented by the symbol of the circle, we pass to the eternal present, which in one and in the center is perfectly explicit. Significant is also the Gospel passage in which John the Baptist, born on the day of the Summer Solstice, to Jesus, born in the Winter Solstice, a ruling in this way: "He must increase but I must decrease." Likewise, it is the classic representation of the Iranian god Mithra, depicted slaying a bull, with two dadofori at his sides, symbolizing the course of the Sun: Cautes torch up (June 21) and Cautopates with the torch down (December 21). This is the traditional symbolism of the solstice gates, which correspond to the entry and exit from the Cosmic Cave: the first door, the "men" is the Summer Solstice, that is, the entry of the Sun in the zodiac sign of Cancer The second, that "the gods", the Winter Solstice, that the entry of the Sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. From the perspective of the cave of initiation, because of its character as a hiding place and closed, represents a moment of complete internalization of being, ie the place where, access, the second birth of the initiate.
The second birth, which corresponds in meaning to the Small Mysteries, differs from the third birth, output from the winter solstice, corresponding instead to the Great Mysteries. The second birth occurs on a psychic level, defining itself as mental regeneration, and the third birth, by contrast, operates directly in the spiritual rather than psychological, because the initiator must then have resolved their individuality, finding that open access the realm of possibility of understanding supra. Here the initiate lives the three stages of the alchemical process: the darkness s'infittiscono, dawn illumined the flame shines. In macrocosmic perspective, this is symbolized the entrance of the Sun in the zodiac sign of the Cancer, with the summer solstice. The Winter Solstice is, however, in the microcosmic sense, the awareness of true spirituality, as output in the light. During this process, the esoteric understanding can be shown as reflected lighting that illuminates the darkness of the cave: a beam of light that penetrates through an opening in the roof of the cave and that lighting that generates a reflection, described by the myth of the cave Plato's sacred and whose source is the "Sun intelligible." Microcosmic order, in respect of the individual thin body, this opening is the energy center located on the top of the head: the crown chakra, the Sephiroth of Kether. It is the seventh level of the chakra system and corresponds to what in Christianity is listed as the seventh heaven. E 'state of consciousness of absolute freedom, the seat of the Creator. According to the Hindus to the crown chakra blend the Prakriti, the primordial substance, and the Purusha, the spirit, the essence. In the straight path between the second and third birth within the Cosmic Cavern, between the solstice gates, lighting, therefore, penetrates us from the top of the skull, as, according to Masonic ritual operating on top of the skull every man is suspended a plumb line of the Great Architect, the one that marks the direction of the World. We conclude written by remembering that our cosmic regeneration, which has been written, it is always designed with the descent and with the help of an avatar, of which Christ the Redeemer is the latest and most shining example: "The sun always comes back , and with him his life. Blowing on the embers and fire reborn. "
Notes: 1) taken from article "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Alberto Mariantoni, Identity, 2004, 2) idem3) idem4) Rene Guenon, Some aspects of the symbolism of the fish, in Symbols of Sacred Science, ed. Adelphi, 5) taken from article "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Alberto Mariantoni, Identity, 2004; 6) Franz Altheim, History of Roman Religion, Ed Seventh Seal, Rome, 1996, p.. 69 and 70, 7) Julius Evola, The Tradition of Rome, Ed Ar, collection "Areté" Manduria, 1977, p.. 138).

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Why Does Nasal Spray Burn

The memory of November Porc

shown below a small corner of the memory of your stay in Zibello at the November Porc.
- The porceddu
- The preparation of salami from 500 mt. GUINNESS WORLD RECORD
- The fry cubes of salami in lard
- The "spiedinatura" cubes fried
- The taste ... with relative drop of lard that ran down my arm (not visible directly)

Saturday, December 4, 2010

7 Month Old Teething And Coughing

"PIOMBINO DESE in his photos"

E 'was presented the book "Piombino Dese in his photographs (1850-1970), edited by the City, published by Proloco Piombinese, Thursday, December 2 at the council hall of the capital.

The book can be purchased at the House of Elders - Piazzetta De Gasperi - every Monday evening from 21.00 to 22.30 and at the public library in Piombino Dese.

During the Christmas period, the you can buy every Saturday morning in front of the bar Palladio

and Sunday 19 December at Piazza Palladio.

will also be available in stationery shops and kiosks in the main town and villages.

For information: 334 2293511 -

The history and memories of Piombino Dese enclosed in a book.

A native with emotions!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Mouthwash Piano Chords

Book presentation: "PIOMBINO DESE IN YOUR PHOTO (1850-1970) "

Council Chamber FANTIN


"PIOMBINO DESE in his photos 1850 - 1970 "
By Angelo Pelloso - Issue Proloco Piombinese

extraordinary collection of over 300 photos of the last century to describe the ' development of the country, examples of the life, gaming, leisure, community.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

How Much Is Daycare Insurance

Schieson Trevisann aea Grill CP

Mail Pokotho of all
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 05/11/2010 >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Dear all, after the happy news of the CP, confirming availability of the location to go with this formalization of the next event in dell'AAMG culi-nary version muglieresco . Here below are the details:
****************************************** *****************
Event>> "Grilled Autumn by CP"
Event Date>> Sunday, November 14, 2010 Time
event>> Soto mesogiorno
Location>> Podere CP
The menu of the day will include:
- grilled meat
course, as each event Alta Academy, there are tasks for each
I'm going below to summarize:
- Family Donadi (Dondi Santona +): fresh apple strudel or equivalent
- Family Zamuner (Pokotho + Priestess): chicken wings by Fresh &
- Family Maximum (Santuzza + life partner): Fresh vegetables & mixed by
- family soo Beltramini (Beltramix + Dental Hygienist): sgroppino Lemon & Fresh battered by

- de facto couple (Ile + Calogero): red wine in rivers
********************** *************************************
The program is of course subject to revisions and minor changes but
principle, to be approved by the Board. There is a need, therefore, that each family give confirmation to all concerned for the presence and availability of the task no later than Saturday, November 13, 2010. I look forward to a
AH ME HE JI choral Best regards
unchanged with increasing PS It seems that those estimates
leze no Meil \u200b\u200band never ... 'Nde despite the m. ..
receive a manual for the information. Thanks

Mail to all of the balsa 10/11/2010
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>
Dear all, with this I try to bring some 'order of the previous object. Absences: ILE-CAL + Beltre-WOMEN
Attendance: Hosts CP x3 - Dondi and Wise (x2) - Pokotho and Mulier (x2) - Balsa Balsa and Mistress of Santuzza's home (x2) - tot. 9 (8 + creature)
Given the situation I see it necessary to adapt the tasks and I declare myself available (in addition to my responsibilities) to assume the tasks previously assigned to the State without State ILE, so that (= n * the vibrator) my self-assigned the new task of providing for the purchase and transportation on the spot:
- outline (as per instructions received, just email at the bottom of 05/11/2010)
- rivers of red wine (if appropriate, consider the opportunities replace the word "wine" red wine "with the word" lager. "On this point I look directions)
- I also propose to divide among all the purchase the meat to be passed to squid ink, in which case I am available for purchase and transport on site no. 1 rib of pork. I leave you States
considerations about the acquisition and transport in particular on the spot:
cola rum

salami sausage
I look forward to a friendly gesture on the part of your excellence

Essay of balsa 10/11/2010
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Discussion
quivering with
takes me away when I do not feel torment

him, always the first man whom I respect

quick to come, but be careful
can sometimes also shake your teeth when you need to know
bring long
if we talk about "coming" of bunga bunga
and missing his contribution today
frankly I think all hell

writing initiatives and the growing mess of things and bring the money primitive

anyone please Pokotho, son of Bruno
and lights come on as Enzo darro
cries when his AH ME HE JI

Essay final Pokotho of 10/11/2010

I came back na de morning after meeting co
Organisation talks and a lot of confusion
gavemo speaks of projects to be hip but
de comunicasion and parks as well
el soit misses comunicassion
organisassion important part of na. I came back from
pranso and Vardar
mail me and find a casino bota de and response.
Scuminzio immediately known coe doenti
so that now no teeth makes me ill pì
despiase pal Beltra me and it seems to me no ile
Fasso pì vegnier payments if a parquet de bile
gà commitments
no problem and then Zé Zé USELESS Farge sora theme
will say that we will end de
magnet on the side hip to me that, alas, go from yesterday not even one tooth.
Topics to be addressed include the tasks for each one Zé
cuss no problems from nesun vegnarà forums:
Pokotho Portara and alumi de poeastro
Dale de pan de baskets on alabaster
Bosse de cocacola para Rutar
and pien de bon de Sgroppino on Hamlet fen. Dondi
Portara el strudel goddess Santona
fate co apples and pine nuts as a good lady
mandarins stajon par de boca
defatted via a boast n'altro soto who toca. Balsa
el gà charge contours
metar from the microwave or in the ovens after
el red wine, no system to make bira de raboso
rivers that run to and Femen ghe
after that, and Ze co baea in, it will el spogliareo
later in posision Lecar or the par ... rim of the glass
El Cp must soeo impegnarse
parquet par time is ghe bee Brons
and meat is tender and de bon bona
rating, sum up a portent
coasts, or poeastro panseta tajada
fine as long as no gà importansa if Cusina
park after a switch to meat in Direta Pansa
magniemo de tuti full soeo no el vol Balsa
if you and if you vansa
methyl Saem in a nice par creansa toea. Aea
end stuff but Zé na clear and obvious
suits and expenses of every bystander sostegnue
will computada
up a joint account from which the per capita share then no one will be immune
aea Roman, if voemo, para el understand speech
AH HE JI ME aea cake par ghe first give a bite

summarize for non-conscious readers:
- Pokotho: chicken wings, bread, Coca Cola, Sgroppino
- Dondi: Strudel, mandarin
- Balsa: Borders, Red wine
- CP: mixed meat ( Any salami)

Extra free (vol sensation that those commitments)
- Potato various
- Spirits different (because the CP ghe Zé soeo GRASPA)
- Bagigi / pistachios / pumpkin seeds
- Any Other

- all presented with the tickets (and I mean hip el CP, ansi, especially ju)

Friday, November 5, 2010

Root Beer Shockwave Game

Schieson Trevisann at Old Uail hese

tuti Afam party with friends and happy if
gà found yesterday evening in Basle
who was well, who Gavea to diarea
if gavemo magna poeastri
sandwiches and jugs of blonde and no one birrini
avuo gà na idea de unhealthy
ciorse fajitas and a co meansana
rest and Ze na co hunger by cracks
Ze 'nda house, hot dogs his plate, kitchen. About
de home, pore Balsa
ghe toca eavar, iron but no farces but a sauce
soeo great pignate de minestrone
intermixed with plenty of water mestoeon
parquet puareto no Zé de pì gnianca paron
home, but always with the agreement on gropon
el change and tends more to the door but no'l cabbage
el taca el species and the overall image Zé retort
el if el majoneto destinations that are well-ghe ghe toca
and cambiarse par el so vivar seren:
tuto par a paramugliera ormai parona de tuto
che se gà imposesà dee proprietà de bruto
a ghe gà dato dee regoe precise da rispetar
senò daea slava ghe toca aea note riposar
pensar che no'l gà dirito de verzar a boca
ghe toca sbassar el sguardo e a vose roca
aea fine de tute e discussion
el zè jù ch'el riscia de 'ndar fora dal porton
a gà ea in man e ciavi de casa
e e idee del balsa a le mete subito in soasa
questo no, questo no, quealtro gnianca
i sogni del balsa serai dentro in te a panca.
Cambiando discorso e tornado al magniar
gavemo ricevuo tuti na tessera da far timbrar
se pol ciapar capel a cowboy or a course
majeta na de na co PINK English / E
perfectly safe if sfondaremo de el aea end
par stomego boast having a sleek capel fate tuto de vache hair
quarry and how to pee by Dondi par tera
parecieve stomego beo el neto from the funds.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Period Time But Only Mucus Blood

Photo Contest 'landscape of the country - Second Edition' - SUBJECT:" POSTCARDS FOR DESE PIOMBINO "

Photo Contest' landscape of the country - Second Edition '

2011 edition


Promoted by Proloco Piombinese, sponsored by the City of Piombino Dese (PD), the photo contest "POSTCARDS FOR DESE PIOMBINO" is a project designed to enhance the artistic and architectural heritage in the area, to represent the country with the elegance of 'art, focusing on the enhancement of monuments, the search for unique and beautiful details that make our town.

The competition is open to all photography enthusiasts, of all ages, making no distinction between professional and amateur, and is designed to select a set of five postcards that represent the town of Piombino Dese.

The competition focuses on the power of art architecture, with the aim of improving the structures of the extraordinary sights of the area.

The five shots in the contest participants are obliged to undertake, should be sent to the Proloco Piombinese not later than 01 March 2011 at the addresses indicated on the Regulation.

A jury composed of two members of Proloco Piombinese, established by two local professional photographers, as well as the Mayor of Piombino Dese, will determine the five winners of the photo contest, which will be used to print the postcards.


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scabdinavian Decent Disases

AAMG aea de Carpi marathon

A preview of the first images of Carpi Marathon where our heroes Beltramix Balsa and performed a test worthy of the Academy who honorably represented.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

How Long Can You Keep Sausage Out Of The Fridge

Schieson Trevisann ... how those de nce

party imensa, great and joyous hip
that Ze brute fargo na na rhyme or prose, but there you
symptoms of having to contar
and with tuti vjaltri cheer.
Yes, parquet Ze stada na bea Serad
rafredor a hip if the FIA \u200b\u200bscurzada
parquet de Tossa de Zé stajon certain
ee Femmene goes around with cueo descuerto
ago beo parquet, parquet fashion
time ago and if n'importa de Pessa you you na tail axis. Apart ciacoe
and always fun and funny
ghe Jera ee emossion between njaltri tose
parks Santussa gà finally finds work
and 'he, Balsa home runs rivers of gold
parquet work in a bank and a professional de
ago ensure that spending and spreads that give ziovani
to Essar and sincere but have you gò na scianta Balsa el parquet de tension
not know if el vedarà
pension but never seems no reason the economy was de el Zé
or parks is, cohesion expenditure, having
but parks Femmene ghe gà pull away and Se Ju Institute
dise calcossa Zé soeo a brute. Before
home ciapada, and Brusada ripiturada
that Ju-no-na voeva gnianca darghe ariegiada
after a car, a mini, that Ze always the first car to tose
ghe you find other, 'ow soeo peta de roses.
el Poro our Balsa, which end in sad and ungrateful
soeo thoughts each and bae grateful if
parquet Zé na beo trovarse girlfriend and vivarghe vissin
but no Zé beo when that account becomes el TO picenin
invesse and, Ze beautiful daea
Hair Salon to get coeor metar el, el gel or wax.
will always question de na singoi cases or opinions
but Femen, dogs and bacaeà pì bati you the IP becomes facie
remains a detonation Vaid and Atua
and if someone criticizes me turn and hip bae
However complimentoni Pa'l Santuzza Work novo
festegiemo co tociai do biscuits on sbatui vovo
telegram comportarse me well and have a good head faghea vedar
and see if you or co burr
El Balsa understood, is not a stupid or Zé na femeneta
el knows that ' economy if it moves to the head if you show ghe na teta
From ogi tuti to buy Fana, oops ... sorry, proietori
hip in broad daylight, vojo Light as a true gentlemen to cuss
Santuzza Gavar always a job and salary
el behalf of Balsa, PERHAPS, aea end if save.
Saeudo the absent, Ile and CP, which no Zé vegnui
if it sees that I Gave to do on the cassi
el CP pal birthday with relatives and pie
soeo soto i know a tocheto gnianca
teeth, fat, seems to the Friends dearest
svejaremo pointing you in complete notes, goddess Santuzza, headlights
cuss you would understand that njaltri gavemo piazer de trovarte
and make the wishes ee recie tirarte. Remember that if
trovemo short pal sandwich first eighteen
scriveteo de 'Ndar hall, the first of a bang
cuss or not you you you you desmenteghi and organizers,
na bea evening and you will pass to and consistent rides amiss.


PS for Dondi: areo, yesterday gò vardo movie I'm here to co
with Sara (see soto el link). Just me and gà
finger "Who knows how many ciche Dondi el gà smoke if it reunites
vardo 'stuff. Ghe will vegnuo Grabber aea a leg"
HA HA HA HA HA HA / watch? v = 1kbLKIQVyjo

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Images Of Very First Chicken Pox Spots

external resin and fiberglass construction Indoor


polyester resin (usually sold in kits for repairs, resin + + fiberglass brush, do not recommend the resin with the catalyst paste in a tube, more liquid)
latex gloves (for use at all, the resin is toxic and damn appicicosa)
cheap brushes (the resin hardens and irremediably the brush becomes a piece of stone)
paper / cardboard (to prevent dripping various ground)
plastic jar
nitro (to clean any resin spots here and there)


First, we must strengthen the weaker parties of our object, I used the wire or Diiron (paste it) or by pasting cardboard, as when we begin to put the resin, the weight of soaked paper could deform the paper object we are building.
Prepare a plastic container large enough to mix the resin and wear protection. determination of catalyst and resin, preferably using a sling (the proportions are shown on the resin) and mix well.

careful, mixing short, adverse weather conditions (cold, wet) or incorrect amount of catalyst may cause the non-curing resin so that will not stiff and sticky even after days! If it is hot but the resin cures faster in any case advisable to prepare the resin gradually, to avoid stepping in the resin container. The resin should not be used indoors.

Use the brush to mix resin and catalyst. Apply the first layer of resin "smooth" outside the object, in order to saturate and make it semi-rigid. The resin was catalyzed one aspect smooth and shiny, and the object after a few hours it will be quite stiff. In the meantime, I also gave a pass to smooth the resin gun requiem.

Once cured the resin paving, you can start preparing the glass fiber to be taken inside. You can cut it with scissors so as to cover the most of the internal surfaces of the object (the elem is a bit complicated to prepare). Prepare the resin as described above, apply the fiberglass and the object with a brush impregnated with resin, wipe the glass fiber against the paper, so that it fits and that in turn is impregnated with resin. Board aoperazione do this gradually, because if you flip the object, the glass fiber can be applied just quietly slip away. You can repeat the operation several times, if you want to get a thicker layer of fiberglass. To ensure that the armor does not collapse I built (see photo) hanging a frame for the armor, since they tended to give away after I applied the fiberglass, so I had to make that the resin does not catalyze wrong.

In the next article ... The shoulder straps!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Herbal Cigarettes Shops Nyc

Happy Birthday Santuzza

With best wishes from the Upper Academy renew our warm welcome to this otherwise northern gradually wins our hearts with her smile, in his charisma, with his intelligence but above all with his way of pronouncing those who make Venetian scompiasciare laughter.

Waiting for a spritz in the company for the classic shot of the ears of so many new cards. Hip Hip Hooray

our Santuzza From Lampedusa

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Selling Humans Organs Pros And Cons

armor / helmet space marines (part 1) The principle


editor or 3D files (in addition to its professional Asist several free open source or freeware)
file ready for pepakura or (looking on google s ene are several archives, some are paid)
3D files to be imported on pepakura (these abound on the Internet, just to find compatible formats)
Metro Drive


Import an object:
Ipotizzzando have already a 3D model of an object (in a format compatible with pepakura), we have to import it by opening it with Pepakura. Pepakura designer and viewer, are two different programs, the former is used to develop 3D models and get the papercraft, the second is for viewing, adjust the scale and print. Once the file is imported vine asked us to recognize sides dell'ogggetto and other settings, however, changed at a later time. Fold and press the button using the simple functions sobbiamo decompose the papercraft in the best way, using separate functions / wheel we need to unite and organize the various "scrap" on the surface of an A4 sheet (you can use other paper sizes, if you have a big printer).
Completed work with the editor, you have to take their own measurements with a tape drive (not the tailor), for example, the width of our head. Pepakura allows us to change only three size values \u200b\u200bthat correspond to the sides of the polygon that contains all the minimum figure. Values \u200b\u200bare in proprozione each other, changing one will automatically change the other 2 so as to not distort the object.

bottom right are indicated the sizes of the three factors in centimeters, width, length, depth is good to abound with these values \u200b\u200band do things to measure or have problems if they are too small, if it is full to the maximum you can polish and fix something. Now you can print out and prepare to cut and paste hundreds of small pieces of paper XD.

in the second half ... resin!