Saturday, December 25, 2010

Phytospecific African Hair

The magical significance Solstice Wintersday Luca Valentini
few weeks will begin the period of the celebrations and festivities for Christmas, and like every year, the global multitude, with justification abstract religious, is suddenly and completely immerse in the evils of unbridled consumerism, without the slightest understanding or implied in those specific days of the annual cycle of something extraordinary and magical happens, a cosmic event, which took on a symbolic value in all the forms taken by Primordial Tradition. Our paper is aimed precisely to clarify the above traditional appearance, penetrates into an organic, or free the field from fundamentalism and sectarianism of all sorts, explaining the universal sense of what is commonly known as the Winter Solstice, belonging, in different forms correctly, the spirituality of all the religions of the world. "Do not forget, in fact, that this event began to be celebrated by our ancestors, such as the megalithic constructions at Stonehenge in Britain, at Newgrange, Knowth and Dowth, in Ireland or around the rock carvings of Bohuslan, Iran , and Val Camonica, in Italy, already in prehistoric and proto. It also inspired the "fragment 66 "work of Heraclitus of Ephesus (560/480 BC) and was allegorically sung by Homer (Odyssey 133, 137) and Virgil (Aeneid book VI). The same phenomenon was expected and invariably extolled by all the Indo-European populations, the Gallo-Celtic call it "Arthuan Alban" ("rebirth of the Sun God"), the Germans, "Yule" (the "wheel of the year") ; the Scandinavians "Jul" ("sun gear"); Finns "July" ("Snowstorm"), the Lapps "Juvla" the Russians "Karatciun" (the "shortest day"). " (1)
Few people know in fact that, around the date of December 25, almost all people have always celebrated the birth of their divine or supernatural beings: in Egypt celebrates the birth of the god Horus and his father, Osiris, is believed to be born in the same period, pre-Columbian Mexico was born Quetzalcoath el'azteco god Huitzilopochtli; Bacab Yucatan, the Greek god Bacchus, or Adonis and Hercules and Adonis, the god Freyr, the son of Odin and Freya, was celebrated by the people of Northern Ireland; Zarathustra in Azerbaijan; Buddha in the East, Krishna, India; Scing-Shin in China, Persia, celebrated the warrior god Mithra, the Savior said to Babylon and saw the light of the god Tammuz, " single Son "of the goddess Istar, represented with the divine child in her arms and around her head, a halo of twelve stars. "On the day of Christmas, the Sun, which, in its annual motion along the ecliptic - the great circle on the celestial sphere that corresponds to the apparent path of the sun during the year - is to be at its lowest declination at the southernmost point of 'eastern horizon of the Earth, which culminates at noon with the height minimum (at that time, that is the zenith of the Tropic of Capricorn) and show its minimum duration of light (roughly, 8 hours and 50/55 minutes ) "(2), reached the southernmost point of its orbit and making record the shortest day of the year, again, from this moment on his way upward. "In Romania, a date between 21 and 25 December is also celebrated the rebirth of the Sun, the Dies Natalis Solis Invicta, the day of the birth of Sol Invictus, after the introduction, under the Emperor Aurelian, the Indo-Iranian cult of the god Mithra in the Roman religious traditions and the building of his temple in the campus Agrippae, the present Piazza San Silvestro in Rome, which was virtually comprised within a larger cycle of holidays that the Romans called Saturnalia, festival dedicated to Saturn, King of the Golden Age, which, starting from 217 to. C. and after subsequent reforms introduced by Caesar and Caligula, were extended 17 to 25 December and ended with Larentalia or feast of the Lares, the tutelary deity entrusted with protecting the crops, roads, cities, the family. "(3 )
The Roman myth tells that the mysterious Janus, the god of Italy, reigning over Lazio when he arrived from the sea Saturn, which could be understood as the manifestation of God that creates and recreates the universe in each cycle, the one that crosses the water, or night-chaos and confusion following the dissolution of the old cosmos, up to the new bank, or the light of the new cosmos, created the new, as claimed by René Guenon (4), there is some analogy between the Roman god and the Vedic Satyavrata, witnessed by a common root sat, which in Sanskrit means the One. "Lazio In addition, during the month of December, the god Conso was celebrated on December 15, during Consualia, festivals dedicated to" sacral end the old year "as we report from the Latin," mixed "indicates 'action of "hide" and / or "concluded." The aforementioned Janus, is associated with Conso, then, was the ancient Latin goddess of the "two faces", "god of time" and, specifically, "the year" and whose temple in Rome was in a corridor with two locks, doors open in time of peace and in times of war, on the basis of its ancestral meaning, means "going" and, more particularly, the "initial phase of walking" and "get in gear": regulate and coordinate the start of the new year, which Ianuarius, the month of January. " (5) as confirmed by Franz Altheim (6) "Ianus and Consus, the Roman religious reality, it is reported at the beginning and end of action" and also made reference (...) "events fixed in time, but were repeated periodically, as the eternal return of the light at the expense of darkness. Not forget, then, as the Roman tradition of the feast of the dies solis nine had its roots in both the prehistoric past of the Indo-European peoples, whom the Romans, and most of the Italic peoples belonged, and in the bases of its own cultic: Julius Evola reminds us that "Sol, the sun god, is already among the gods indigetes, that is, between the gods of Roman origin, received by far the more cycles of civilizations" (7). E 'key at this point to understand how the solar rebirth represents "only" a symbol of cosmic regeneration, in which the Sun and the Light are associated with the idea of \u200b\u200bimmortality of man, which operates the His second spiritual birth, developing and passing their subtle state, on the night of the winter solstice, when you can access the deva-yana or "way of the gods" of the Hindu tradition, and ascending to the district in which the divine man, restoring itself the primordial Adam, can take the road of development supra.
This is the moment when the night becomes the mistress and the total darkness, you must keep the flame of the Faith, in the morning, with the dawn, will become triumphant. In the tarot cards that best identifies the rebirth of light and the blade of the Magician, which symbolizes the very essence of man, whose mission is to achieve union between spirit and matter. The Magician has before him all the symbols of material power and it is the character who takes the alchemical work, working with the three principles and four elements (the three legs and the four corners of the table), through which every man is a metal, which led to its perfection, is called Gold. The highest sense of the paper is given by its number, which is the one and indicates that the unmoved mover, the source of all things, even if his hat in the shape of elongated eight symbolizes the movement of spiritual elevation that leads to square the circle. Leaving the Cosmic Cavern, with the Winter Solstice, therefore, goes from nothing unity, ie geometrically, by becoming sensitive, represented by the symbol of the circle, we pass to the eternal present, which in one and in the center is perfectly explicit. Significant is also the Gospel passage in which John the Baptist, born on the day of the Summer Solstice, to Jesus, born in the Winter Solstice, a ruling in this way: "He must increase but I must decrease." Likewise, it is the classic representation of the Iranian god Mithra, depicted slaying a bull, with two dadofori at his sides, symbolizing the course of the Sun: Cautes torch up (June 21) and Cautopates with the torch down (December 21). This is the traditional symbolism of the solstice gates, which correspond to the entry and exit from the Cosmic Cave: the first door, the "men" is the Summer Solstice, that is, the entry of the Sun in the zodiac sign of Cancer The second, that "the gods", the Winter Solstice, that the entry of the Sun in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. From the perspective of the cave of initiation, because of its character as a hiding place and closed, represents a moment of complete internalization of being, ie the place where, access, the second birth of the initiate.
The second birth, which corresponds in meaning to the Small Mysteries, differs from the third birth, output from the winter solstice, corresponding instead to the Great Mysteries. The second birth occurs on a psychic level, defining itself as mental regeneration, and the third birth, by contrast, operates directly in the spiritual rather than psychological, because the initiator must then have resolved their individuality, finding that open access the realm of possibility of understanding supra. Here the initiate lives the three stages of the alchemical process: the darkness s'infittiscono, dawn illumined the flame shines. In macrocosmic perspective, this is symbolized the entrance of the Sun in the zodiac sign of the Cancer, with the summer solstice. The Winter Solstice is, however, in the microcosmic sense, the awareness of true spirituality, as output in the light. During this process, the esoteric understanding can be shown as reflected lighting that illuminates the darkness of the cave: a beam of light that penetrates through an opening in the roof of the cave and that lighting that generates a reflection, described by the myth of the cave Plato's sacred and whose source is the "Sun intelligible." Microcosmic order, in respect of the individual thin body, this opening is the energy center located on the top of the head: the crown chakra, the Sephiroth of Kether. It is the seventh level of the chakra system and corresponds to what in Christianity is listed as the seventh heaven. E 'state of consciousness of absolute freedom, the seat of the Creator. According to the Hindus to the crown chakra blend the Prakriti, the primordial substance, and the Purusha, the spirit, the essence. In the straight path between the second and third birth within the Cosmic Cavern, between the solstice gates, lighting, therefore, penetrates us from the top of the skull, as, according to Masonic ritual operating on top of the skull every man is suspended a plumb line of the Great Architect, the one that marks the direction of the World. We conclude written by remembering that our cosmic regeneration, which has been written, it is always designed with the descent and with the help of an avatar, of which Christ the Redeemer is the latest and most shining example: "The sun always comes back , and with him his life. Blowing on the embers and fire reborn. "
Notes: 1) taken from article "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Alberto Mariantoni, Identity, 2004, 2) idem3) idem4) Rene Guenon, Some aspects of the symbolism of the fish, in Symbols of Sacred Science, ed. Adelphi, 5) taken from article "Dies Natalis Solis Invicti, Alberto Mariantoni, Identity, 2004; 6) Franz Altheim, History of Roman Religion, Ed Seventh Seal, Rome, 1996, p.. 69 and 70, 7) Julius Evola, The Tradition of Rome, Ed Ar, collection "Areté" Manduria, 1977, p.. 138).


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