polyester resin (usually sold in kits for repairs, resin + + fiberglass brush, do not recommend the resin with the catalyst paste in a tube, more liquid) Fiberglass
latex gloves (for use at all, the resin is toxic and damn appicicosa)
cheap brushes (the resin hardens and irremediably the brush becomes a piece of stone)
paper / cardboard (to prevent dripping various ground)
plastic jar
nitro (to clean any resin spots here and there)
First, we must strengthen the weaker parties of our object, I used the wire or Diiron (paste it) or by pasting cardboard, as when we begin to put the resin, the weight of soaked paper could deform the paper object we are building.
Prepare a plastic container large enough to mix the resin and wear protection. determination of catalyst and resin, preferably using a sling (the proportions are shown on the resin) and mix well.
careful, mixing short, adverse weather conditions (cold, wet) or incorrect amount of catalyst may cause the non-curing resin so that will not stiff and sticky even after days! If it is hot but the resin cures faster in any case advisable to prepare the resin gradually, to avoid stepping in the resin container. The resin should not be used indoors.
Use the brush to mix resin and catalyst. Apply the first layer of resin "smooth" outside the object, in order to saturate and make it semi-rigid. The resin was catalyzed one aspect smooth and shiny, and the object after a few hours it will be quite stiff. In the meantime, I also gave a pass to smooth the resin gun requiem.
Once cured the resin paving, you can start preparing the glass fiber to be taken inside. You can cut it with scissors so as to cover the most of the internal surfaces of the object (the elem is a bit complicated to prepare). Prepare the resin as described above, apply the fiberglass and the object with a brush impregnated with resin, wipe the glass fiber against the paper, so that it fits and that in turn is impregnated with resin. Board aoperazione do this gradually, because if you flip the object, the glass fiber can be applied just quietly slip away. You can repeat the operation several times, if you want to get a thicker layer of fiberglass. To ensure that the armor does not collapse I built (see photo) hanging a frame for the armor, since they tended to give away after I applied the fiberglass, so I had to make that the resin does not catalyze wrong.
In the next article ... The shoulder straps!