Saturday, April 26, 2008

Wedding Dance To Mount And Blade Warband

Friday, April 25, 2008

Woman Strangling A Man Vedios

... night falls ...

... night falls ... the moment I prefer most of all, when everything around is quiet and silence, and each thought flows unobstructed ... Cara
my insomnia that has allowed me many times to create, to give form to thoughts, dreams and emotions ... (And sometimes going to work devastated by the sleep !!!).
Here's my location "work" books, loose papers, my beautiful new cup and frog keyboard cleaner! (There were other odds and ends but the photo I gave a system ...).
's night out in the dark, confused noises, sometimes seems to feel the delicate glitter of the stars and everything is so beautiful when I see magic in the sky ... harmony, sublime harmony of nature so simple and wonderful. ...
Mario, my water turtle, makes a dive and I wake up from that slumber, "Gee, did a pike?". She looks at me curiously and seems to question what am I doing hanging from the balcony with a cup in his hand, plunges again and then settles down for a nap under running water (this guy also has a jacuzzi!). Still a little sip my tea and white give a last look at the immensity of the dark ...
goodnight .....

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Where Can I Purchase Maxine Clipart

yogurt cups grape

Ingredients: 500 gr
. Grape Strawberry

1 tablespoon honey 2 teaspoons lemon juice 3 tablespoons brandy

yogurt 1 cup shelled the berries and remove seeds, then putting them in a bowl. Mix lemon juice with honey and brandy, pour the mixture over berries and stir. Cover and leave in refrigerator for about 2 hours. Serve in bowls sprinkling with the yogurt.

Monday, April 14, 2008

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Tasty Rice Pudding Fairy

Ingredients: 300 gr
rice 1 bunch of parsley, thyme

1 onion 1 / 2 lemon

nutmeg olive oil salt

Boil the rice, you brown the sliced \u200b\u200bonion in oil in a large skillet. Season with a pinch of nutmeg and just before switching off add the chopped finely parsley, thyme and lemon zest. Drain rice and add to the sauce, stirring to mix it well. Cook to heat for a few minutes and then, bon appetit!

(I also I put the zucchini, I made boiled, then chopped and added to the whole).

Jenna Jemason Message


1 tsp cumin seeds
3 / 4 to l. natural yoghurt 3 tablespoons whole

lemon juice 1 teaspoon salt

The lassi is a traditional drink very popular in India and serves to cool the hot weather and to mitigate the palate after a spicy meal. E 'native Punjab and in some variants can be used in place of cumin, saffron, cinnamon or fresh fruit (mango widely used, given in India a sacred plant, whose leaves and fruits are often hung on the doors of the houses, as a symbol of protection of fertility).

Toast in a frying cumin seeds, stirring with a wooden spoon, then crush in a mortar into a powder. Tenetene by a pinch and mix all other ingredients in a bowl with half a liter of water stretching or frullateli. Serve the drink frescao at room temperature, garnished with the cumin powder kept aside.
If you prefer a sweet lassi, salt to replace the amount of sugar you want.