Monday, August 30, 2010

Dunkin Donuts Case Study Swot Analysis

2nd event of opening autumn AAMG

How to tradission that njaltri rispetemo
'm hip anus, at the end of ISTA if we see from Pokotho
always entertaining on a par na
do remember the string par Istà finia
now huh, yeah, ragassi, el aea morning fredo Avans
star and fora do pissigoti minutes ago aea Pansa
and choirs in the bathroom after your tax sentarte
el parquet requires the physical na scagassa. But no
de Zé why voemo speak in 'I need time
de Zé organisasion par event.
Ricordemo fourth time oto, oto and
time necesaria para mesa de to anyone at the expense
Pokotho great pomp and fresh Rivara
parquet ghe Zé suffered and Sprisse with Giassi tasting
Feme saver in so many that I come
par sev Statute, puffs
dae vegetables at a part that gà el CP commitments in the area to show the German co
dee shoes or co figheta fresh na fresh
me miss hip saver calcossa goddess Ile (happy birthday) hope you
, citing A. Busi, many boxes or kangaroos (very few kangaroos) and
Beltra, always ative nee comunicasion
el siensio me know weather a mistake in my telegram agitasion
Beltra scriveme
soon to make merry with or to do with the sad
ghe ghe tegniemo that you al'evento Be hip you
AH ME HE JI, is no can do as it reunites the CP!


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