Saturday, March 5, 2011

Allergy To Feminine Napkins


Sixth race with PPS / / Meetings, the cycle of personal and special events, curated by Helga Marsala. Pass the time. Unfinished works of the Sicilian style. Video disorders continues a work of investigation and mapping of the unfinished public works, scattered throughout the country: in the Project Room offer their shows, preceded by a meeting with the public with the intervention of art critics, architects and experts.

Re-reading the landscape, reversing the negative perception triggered by the works 'unfinished', numerous in the area. And 'this adventure started four years ago and continues over time, as a project in progress, the collective Changes Video, one of the most interesting for Italian contemporary art, already present in 2007 at the 52nd Venice Biennale of Art , the main guests of the exhibition by Robert Storr. Video disorders continues a work of investigation and mapping of the unfinished public works, scattered throughout the country: in the Project Room at Palazzo Rice - Friday, March 4 to 18 - will their show, preceded by a meeting with the public to be attended by art critics, architects and experts. The opportunity is given by the sixth round with "PPS / / Meetings", the cycle of personal and special events, curated by Helga Marsala, in support of collective PPS - landscape and people of Sicily ", curated by John Iovane.

Through exhibitions, conferences, workshops, festivals and participation in the Biennale of Architecture in Venice (2010), the collective disorders Videos - born in Milan in 2004 and consists of Paololuca Barbieri Marchi, Andrea Masu, Alberto Caffarelli, Giacomo Porfiri, Matthew Erenbourg - are dissecting a complex issue, interwoven into the implications of sociological, aesthetic, political, economic, between art practice, observation and reflection on the landscape. A Rice, Museum of Contemporary Art in Sicily, offering Video disorders a meeting-debate with the audience, during which the larger project "Unfinished Siciliano" will be reported and discussed, and a display that welcomes some fragments of this long path to research and construction of architectural works never completed, in Italy and especially in Sicily.

"Unfinished Siciliano", developed by Video disorders with Claudia D'Aita and Enrico Sgarbi, is a project of re-reading of the Italian landscape: irony, provocation and conceptual approach, we come to confer the dignity of work art to the various "incomplete" found in the territory, identifying a true "style" that characterizes such monumental architectural fragments, suspended between ambiguity and paradox. It is in Sicily that artists have identified the core symbolic style unfinished: the City of Giarre, European Capital of number of works on population density, is elected Mecca for the flowering of the style unfinished, said interpretive paradigm of Italian architecture from the post. "Killing time", a title borrowed from Bruno Munari, enacts a kind of storage scattered fragments that, in recent years have documented the phenomenon of the Incomplete and location recording and analysis conducted by the collective. As in the hall of an archaeological museum are on display artifacts that illustrate the themes and images related to the project: from Polaroid that immortalize the various construction sites remains a ghost to the small concrete fragments, from paperwork to deepen the story of "Unfinished Siciliano "the video that brings together a range gallery of "postcards" from the unfinished sites around the country, from wall paper with graphics processing, which assembles the floor plans of the unfinished works of Giarre to the great shape of Italy produced showing the density of the phenomenon for the region.

the curator, Helga Marsala: "It 's a suspended time and heard one of the Incomplete, misleading time that falls back stolen works of the future, condemned to a perpetual present and static . They seem to come from an early history of these silent places, ruins, post-modern or post-romantic imagery of a decaying universe. But these are sites belonging to no time, without any possible melancholy, delivered to a sinister charm metaphysical altars of reinforced concrete, embedded in the landscape as alien presences. Rather than experiencing the slow advance of the end, they live nell'incompiutezza, not in the sense of a function and a starting denied. The catastrophe of the years of wear and replacing that of a prolonged paralysis, an insane freezing which deprives them of all human energy and planning. How illogical holes blacks, these spaces become the unexpected strategic points of a mapping of the invisible landscape. Transform them into works of art and products in an architectural style, making it the subject of intellectual inquiry, is a transversal way to draw attention to a fact issue, a source of cheap and irresponsible squandering substantial damage to natural and urban landscape. Company through a glossy record, supported by a subtle and provocative approach to the irony of his finest paradoxes Video disorders carries a critical eye, purified from all but rhetoric. It 's so that it becomes possible to take note of a controversial reality and extended in order to develop a proper awareness of the phenomenon and the company he has produced. "

The hypothesis A fruitful conversion of these sites has led artists to the institution to Giarre the Archaeological Park of the Sicilian, in an effort to promote the area by developing a new economy related to sustainable tourism. The unfinished works could be transformed into a resource for the community, if you were able to carry out investments to promote the exploitation of environmental resources, landscape, artistic, historical and cultural connection. It 's so that the long list of unfinished sites scattered Giarre - abandoned before the end of the work, or never lived with endless construction in progress - would be redesigned and restored to the people for alternative uses. Unfinished Siciliano is also a website ( that serves as information center and as an observatory: here are the various Italian sites where there are unfinished public works, and you can also report new, contributing to growth and the completion of the archive. From 2010, the Festival Unfinished Siciliano, annually, concentrated in Giarre a series of workshops, exhibitions, design workshops, parties and meetings devoted to the phenomenon.

Among the shows that have already hosted the project, include: in 2010, "Laboratory Italy," Italian Pavilion XII to the Venice Biennale, curated by Luca Molinari, Venice Area - From the Body to the City, "MAXXI National Museum of XXI Century Arts, edited by Pippo Ciorra, Alessandro D'Onofrio, Bartholomew Pietromarchi and Gabi Scardi, Rom ; in 2009, "Hong Kong & Shenzhen Bi-city Biennale of UrbanismArchitecture", edited by Beatrice Galie, Shenzhen, China, in 2008, "Manifesta 7 the European Biennial of Contemporary Arts", curated by Adam Budak, Trentino, South Tyrol in 2007 "Concrete Island (Unfinished Siciliano), artecontemporanea VM21, Rome;" Unfinished Siciliano, "The Italian Academy at Columbia University, New York.

Rice Museum Press Office: 333.5289457 - stampa.palazzoriso @

Friday, March 4, 18:30 meeting with the public [Gallery SACS] opening show [Project Room]

Rice, Museum of Contemporary Art in Sicily
Palazzo Riso
Corso Vittorio Emanuele, 365
Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 10-20, Thursday and Friday 10-22
Entrance ticket "PPS Landscape and people of Sicily": 6 €, 1 € and resident in Palermo province


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