Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Poodle Mix With Husky

the debutantes' ball?

It 's like a dream had been broken, had been trampled and there were scattered over a wad of cash ...

not know about you but I've always been a romantic, a little girl I regretted not being born at that time they went to dances and the women wore those beautiful long dresses with skirts and sleeves pompous curled. I looked at D'Artagnan, Princess Sissi, Creamy and Lady Oscar. The debutantes' ball for me has always been a dream, thinking of wearing white siting, with tulle skirt, and dance in a huge hall ... I would have loved it. I've always idealized, I realize that behind us is also very respectability and hypocrisy, which is something a bit 'classist and undemocratic. But I've always seen and wanted to see only the romantic side and a little 'fairy tale .... but this morning I was shattered that image.

Struggling with a job that is becoming increasingly precarious, the rise in bus fares and find out that instead of putting in new overpass guardrail we bring the tutor (this is a 'other argument!) I also hear this news ...

The popular and "talented" Ruby was invited to the debutantes' ball from an entrepreneur that the 78 year-old Austrian will pay € 40,000. This man seems to have always been capricious in his calls, was accompanied by Sophia Loren, Paris Hilton and Dita von Teese ... but there is inspiration and prostitution! Among other things, I hope at least that figure is also included in the night with Ruby, at least you earn money with your work ...

But how will those poor girls and those families to see their daughter debut at a dance where she was invited and paid for a prostitute while they have had to shell out money for who knows how to involve their daughters?


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