Friday, March 11, 2011

Motion Detector Kit:intelectron Model Bc,8950


Paint in Black. Show of paintings and inks that are located within the informal painting and the abstract. His last works are characterized by shades' dark with a predominance of black.

by Ornella Fazzina

Friday, March 11, curated by Ornella Fazzina, will be opened in Catania, White Paper at the fine arts gallery, an exhibition of paintings and inks Antonio Recca entitled "Paint in Black". Recca was born in 1957 in Catania, where they form the cultural and artistic vitality of expressing great interest. In the late seventies, on his own initiative created the first public places where you tend to listen to live music, rock, punk and new wave. In those same years he participated in various projects of cultural intervention in the territory to 'internal reality devices Sicily.

his desire to seek him in Lombardy to deal with the main trends of contemporary Italian and international. Since then
began working professionally marked by many exhibitions in Italy and abroad and from collaborations with major textile industries as a designer. The need to "feel" the light of his brought him back to Catania Sicily where she lives and works.

His works fall within the framework of abstract of distant kandinskyiana matrix, enriched by the lessons of the informal sign that today sees through new experiments. Within this research has delivered on its coloring, the whole Mediterranean, aimed at giving a strong connotation of color plastic face to conquer more and more filled with bright notes, intense and animated graphics to work. His last period, this exhibition demonstrates, it is characterized, however, with the predominance of dark tones of black.

Ornella Fazzina writes in the exhibition catalog (published by Publinews, Cultural events) "His last production landscapes in black seems to be, then, the result of informal painting of two souls, one abstract and one still linked to the representation of reality. The work on this partnership to merge and confuse the two terms, has led him to an experience from which comes the new series when it reaches a maturity of language through a conceptual component and less tied to purely formal aspects. By overlaying the black color on the painting below, it seems that Recca, proceeding by layers of dense brush concealing any trace of memory or figurative, including geometric, attempts to resolve an old conflict between figurative and abstract art, denouncing the need to not be able to do less than the tradition of painting and its vast iconographic vocabulary, just as the rejects. In the act of cover behind the perception that there is a whole world that belongs to the reality of things, her veil and reveal a continuous, never hide or erase the whole, encouraging the viewer to consider not only the formal aspects but including those of content, since the artist is not interested in delivering the reality depicted, while retaining references allusive, but its own style and your own thoughts ... "

Finally, the title" Paint in Black "who, although not identical, it recalls the famous song The Rolling Stones, is a tribute both to the author's background, and lifestyle of an artist who does not waive any uneasiness that has always stood as a landmark in the history of the famous underground scene of the city of Catania. Francesco Rovelli, who always runs the gallery White Paper, he curated the exhibition catalog.

have written about him: Gino siRNA, Jeanne-Marie Mascetti, Panascia Marcello, Anna Martian, Francesco Scarfì, Franco De Grazia, Tiziana Rasa, Francesco Gallo, Lucio Barbera, Ornella Fazzina, Sebastian Mangiameli.

Opening Friday, March 11 at 19:00

White Paper Fine Arts
Via Francesco Riso, 72b - Catania
Days and hours: Tuesday 16.30 / 19.30, from Wednesday to Friday 10.00 / 13.00 to 16.30 / 19.30
Saturday 10.00 / 13.00


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